Sunday, October 21, 2007

Encountering with an interesting painter

Yesterday I left walking around the roads of Jayanagar 4th block at around 2:00 pm. Some how I saw a painter doing a risky work of painting the wall of a three storied building by hanging himself from a rope. I was impressed to watch him painting in that sunny afternoon, nor because of the risks he had taken neither for his age at fifties. I was impressed because of the perfection and diligence he had put to his work. After another 20 minutes he came down and seeing my happy face staring at him, started to have a conversation with me, surprisingly in a very fluent English. I perceive, his knowledge about English was much better than that of mine. I came to know that he was a Head Security officer in one of the renowned Software company ( He has shown me his Identity Card taking out from his bag where he had nice clothes to wear after painting is done. However not disclosing neither his name nor the company because I perceive it not good to disclose without his permission).
I had some doubts, and asked him...
Me: Why you are doing painting?
He: It is my hobby. My father was a painter from Tamilnadu settled in Bangalore at 1960's. I have huge passion in painting outer walls of buildings.
Me: Sir, accepted that this is your passion, however my doubt is "How you could manage two full time jobs?"
He: I work as Head of Security at --- company in Night shift. Will sleep for two hours when I reach back to home. And will head start with painting outer walls of house.
Me: I am getting motivated by you, Sir. These days I am reading Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, through which I am convinced regarding the attitude of getting engaged in some useful activity all the time. This quality of a person is referred by Ben Franklin as "Industry". Sir, today I am seeing practically a person with high "Industry".
He{Laughing}: I am doing this profession as painter to learn tolerance in my job as Head Security. Three years back, when I was 52 years old I realized that, my low tolerance levels and angry nature was affecting my job as Head of Security. They were working only when I was observing them. As soon as I am away, they used to sleep in those night shifts. I wanted to make them work even when I was not observing them. After 6 months I realized that, every person ( around 30 security personnel)  I was managing is a volunteer.
Me: Yes Sir, I understand. I have read in one of the good wisdom literature quoting that "Every employee is a volunteer. You can buy the back of the person, but not his brain. Thus his creativity is a voluntary work. You can buy the hand of the person, but not his heart. Thus his loyalty is a voluntary. Thus every employee is a volunteer."
He{Again Laughing}: See my friend, I had realized this through my experience. Three years back as a Head of security, I was criticizing with very harsh words even for a slight mistake. I realized, in order to treat them as volunteers I need to stop criticizing them. For this I need to have high tolerance levels. One way of attaining high tolerance levels is through painting outer walls of buildings. I can do that because I used to help my father while I was young.
Me: Hats off Sir. You have done my day. May I leave now?
He: Sure.. my blessing on your side.
Me: Thanks...

While I was walking back to home, I suddenly realized one of my friend whom I had met in the morning had a very depressed face. My suggestion is to take a walk in any road of Bangalore. If we have some interest in our fellow beings, I believe, we can surely have one incident right at that time which can cure the depression and light a smile on our face through paradigm-shifting experience.
Wishing you a great time ahead

Won't you please read this preface?

Reason for this blog:

At present it seems to me that, some events happening in one's life can contain useful learnings which may be interesting to my one's fellow friends. Thus I am starting this blog. Another reason is I heartily accept these wise words from "First Things First":
"Keeping a personal journal is a high leverage Quadrant II ( Important but not urgent) activity that significantly increases self-awareness and enhances all the endowments and the synergy among them. It empowers you to see and improve, on a day-by-day basis, the way you are developing and using the endowments. Because writing truly imprints the brain, it also helps you remember and apply the things you're trying to do. In addition, it gives you a powerful contextual tool. As you take occasion - perhaps on a mission statement (life's goals) renewal retreat - to read over your experiences of past weeks, months, or years, you gain valuable insight and repeating patterns and themes in your life."

About author:

I am working as software engineer for daily bread. I am indeed living in an age that seems to be traveling faster than the speed of the light, and in my hurry-up world it is easy to fall into habit of taking shortcuts, of skipping some of my duties, when I think I can get away with it. It is easy to forget the warnings of the history and the warnings of the wise men from past. Thus I live in a so-called typical environment, which most of the readers of this blog will be experiencing in their day-to day life. I have certain core limitations in my make up. I am far from living as an hermit, and thus I am a typical average person who might just be a mere worm in the ocean of time. However, I perceive, at some time it is a pure chance that even a most typical common person has to do some auspicious work in his day-to-day life.
This a work of a half-blinded person, blinded both from knowledge and experience. Whatever the work I am doing, I conceive, it may be in my astrological signs that I need to do that work, caught up in thickness of other activities. I haven't got complete rest in my life so that I could pursue only one hobby like writing this blog. However, I won't believe even for one split-second that, if I had abundant time, this blog would have been without error and completely up-to-date. I believe, whatever the shortcomings, to resolve them and to fill with good characteristics is mercy from divinity. Hoping such mercy with come as interest from readers in providing their valuable comments and feedback.

Wishing you a great time.