Saturday, January 26, 2008

Suggestion while setting the goal for a day

Am I speaking about some suggestion which is SMART?
SMART here refers to suggestions regarding goal setting.
M= Measurable
R= Realistic
T= Time Bound
Yes, I do understand that these are certain normalization criteria needed while setting goals.
If we ignore them, then they may lead to some pains.
For example, today morning I decided to have a great day so that it will be a happy one.
Was that SMART?
What kind of happiness I was seeking?
Can happiness be measured?
Is it achievable? If achievable, then am I depending on external circumstance to lead into happiness or my internal outlook or frame of mind to lead to happiness? To be clear, am I looking for Inside-out or Outside-In?
Is it realistic to be happy? If realistic am I referring about that butterfly feeling, which cannot be under our grasp?
Is it time bound? Yes, I thought for a moment that it was having the deadline of this day. However, immediately I realized that Solar time is a general concept and every person has his own temporal uniqueness (From the research of Dr. Alexis Carell, "Man the Unknown").
Thus I can easily recognize that, the goal I had at the start of the day was not SMART.
More than that I am realizing now, I was having a wish at the start of the day rather than a goal.
I wished to be happy. Why I didn't determined to be happy?
And there is a quote from an intellect which teases me further. It states, "Common people have wishes, great people have purpose". Thus I behaved like a common person, who just get extinct like a worm at the end of this century.
Thus I realized, can the goal be made SMART, without so much worrying about the analysis discussed at the start of this article, provided that goal was driven by an higher purpose, say higher than my own selfishness?

Thus to conclude, I perceive at the moment:
To make the goals simple, let I not analyze so much tomorrow about setting the goals.
May I just have some higher purpose for a day at least?
May I have a purpose of contributing to others than expecting others to contribute to me?
May I aspire stars, so that I may at least reach moon or a mountain top at the end of the day?
To be clear: May I have SMART goal, which is simply a goal driven by a nobler practical purpose for a day rather than an elusive feeling?